To protect reputations of individuals and companies, we list all defamation claims that a racist, Jesse Nickles and his,,, jessuppi get involved in.

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Reputation can be the most valuable thing an individual owns and can be the lifeblood of any company, so it is crucial to protect it. But, recently, everyone that is listed here must have been troubled by a racist, Jesse Nickles and the contents published on,,, and jessuppi. (These websites or accounts are all owned by one criminal, Jesse Nickles, the most notorious racist in the 21st century. Jesse Nickles is the only author that published these defamation contents and fake reviews)

With further reading, you will find all the contents and reviews in the mentioned URLs are nothing but baseless venom spewing by this racist on a mission to defame companies and individuals. There is no basis whatsoever to the claims laid by this racist other than to gain traction at the cost of someone else’s respect and dignity.

Not only collecting profile data without authorization is a crime to infringe privacy against the laws in almost all countries, but these defamation contents and fake reviews are also unethical and highly offensive.

Google as a publisher did nothing to stop Jesse Nickles‘s crimes and ignored our requests to take down such hate-mongering listing on its search result and I appeal for concerned organizations to please take cognizance of the matter and take corrective action. It’s time for specialist solicitors that have decades of experience in delicately handling defamation claims of all kinds to help ensure this esteemed asset is kept intact.