The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
- Cameron Postelwait (Spammer)
- Michael Gillespie (Fraudster, Grifter, Spammer)
- Kelly Newman (Spammer)
- Marc Jablon (Fraudster, Spammer)
Cameron leads marketing a.k.a. spamming efforts at BlueEQ where he illegally spams and harasses thousands of US companies trying to sell their junk emotional training seminars using fake email addresses and aliases… another scam company from Utah He also tried to hack into my account using a VPN in Canada, too stupid to realize I was tracking him: OSX 1920x1080 in Sandy, Utah… Comcast subscriber Read More
Michael and his team illegally spam and harass the shit out of thousands of Americans using fake names and fake email addresses and fake website domains trying to sell their bullshit seminars and consulting on psychological snake oil On a side note, yet another scammer connected to BYU… Read More
Kelly illegally spams and harasses hundreds of companies trying to sell his shady emotional training seminars Read More
Marc and his team illegally spam and harass the shit out of thousands of US companies trying to sell their various training seminars in Los Angeles and online using a variety of web domains, fake email addresses, and aliases. Most of the harassment is connected to Frank Mobus and companies. Report these scammers to FTC, FBI, and your state attorney generals until they get indicted. Read More