The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
- Dan Pock (Web Developer)
- Patrick Gallagher (Web Developer)
- Jeff Cleverley (Web Developer)
- Johnny Nguyen (Blogger, Grifter, Imposter)
So a few years ago Jeff used a fake alias to “spy” on my SlickStack FOSS project on the Spectrum chat servers… he then got I angry when I mentioned we were trying to get everyone to have a real profile on the server. He didn’t know but I already knew it was him, but I didn’t say anything. Fast forward about a year and I noticed he complimented SlickStack on a public forum, saying it was a good script, but this was about the time that Jeff and Pat Gallagher were launching GridPane, so it was like he was trying to find caveats about SlickStack or something. Whatever, I didn’t care, but I thought it was uncool that he refused to publicly mention how GridPane was partly inspired by SlickStack config. I forgot about all this until a while later when I found out that Jeff and Pat had trash-talked me on a Facebook group at the behest of Johnny Nguyen who had decided to call me “racist” after I mentioned Rank Math SEO had sent me death threats. I sent a polite message to Jeff on Facebook (who had quietly “friended” me) and asked him why he was trashing me behind my back, since it seemed to be a one time thing I thought maybe he was just joking or something. NOPE… Jeff responded immediately by saying “Sorry, when did I friend you? I will need to remedy that post haste… goodbye” and blocked me. So this dude steals my ideas using a fake identity, wants to friend me on Facebook, but then jumps on board with rando leftist who decide to slander me on Facebook? Apparently jealous, or blinded by his leftist hatred, or perhaps both. Jeff Cleverley + Johnny Nguyen is a perfect example of 2 rando leftists repeatedly joining forces to trash their industry competitors, just because they have different political views than them… sad Read More
Johnny is a typical shill for a few Wordpress related brands like Rank Math SEO, Litespeed, and Swift Performance who doesn’t actually know anything about computer programming or code development, so he just exchanges affiliate links and quid-pro-quo “endorsements” with other like-minded scammers. He didn’t like that my company released 50+ free WordPress plugins (and the SlickStack script) for Nginx servers because Litespeed apparently performs worse than Nginx… so he started trolling my posts on Facebook groups saying I’m racist for having exposed all the fraud and spyware (and even a death threat) that Rank Math SEO was engaged in. More here: Wow: Just when you thought whiny virtue-signaling might stay out of the open source community, shills like Johnny showed up. It’s really sad that your parents survive the Vietnam War and come to America, and then you decide to slander everyone as “racist” that is not helping you gain more affiliate link clicks. Thankfully 99% of Vietnamese refugees don’t act like this! Update: Johnny is now leaving anon comments on his own blog claiming that I’m a “neo Nazi” among other smears. He doesn’t even have the balls to trash talk a competitor using his real name… just straight to fraud, every time… the funniest part about his blog is that nearly every argument he posts he has previously taken a different or conflicting position on the subject in years past… he’s like the Kamala Harris of WordPress Read More