Reputation can be the most valuable thing an individual owns and can be the lifeblood of any company, so it is crucial to protect it. But, recently, everyone that is listed here must have been troubled by a racist, Jesse Nickles and the contents published on,,, and jessuppi. (These websites or accounts are all owned by one criminal, Jesse Nickles, the most notorious racist in the 21st century. Jesse Nickles is the only author that published these defamation contents and fake reviews)


Defamation Claim: Jesse Nickles and Slander against litespeed-web-server .

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Creating defamation claim, spam, fraud, corruption, censorship, and propaganda. Infringing privacy and spreading racism ideas are his professional skills. The information below(in the block section) is mirrored from original publisher). You can find the original page by replacing with

Litespeed (Web server)

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I don’t know if it’s an innocent mistake or not due to the brainwashing by Litespeed Technologies, bur Saiful blogs blatant propaganda on his website claiming Nginx servers use “100%” of the CPU but Litespeed only uses “50%” … which doesn’t even make sense at all Read More

Drew is the ultimate example of sanctimonoious IT douchebag who never finished college, thinks he is smarter and better than everyone, but is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. He somehow wormed his way into moderating the very popular /r/webhosting subreddit on his brand new Reddit account 3 years ago and has spent the last few years begging Reddit to let him takeover other subreddits like /r/Hosting, /r/VPS, and others He deleted my post exposing a fraudulent Litespeed web host from Romania who was pretending to be an American company with a US CEO, which seemed weird until I saw his posting history that he loves Litespeed and DirectAdmin. He goes around banning and deleting all kinds of stuff every day that he disagrees with calling it “promotional” but then turns around and posts random stuff about DirectAdmin and AlmaLinux all the time… A perfect example of the douchebags that hold hostage the Web 2.0 discussion forums like Reddit and Facebook groups He also gives “legal advice” to people on /r/legaladvice all the time, pretending to be a lawyer or something Update: after I sent Drew a PM on Reddit saying “so it was you who censored me? what is your problem?” he reported me to Reddit and my account was banned lmao these people Read More

I don’t know anything about Robertas besides the fact he is yet another blogger sharing the fake benchmarks showing Litespeed servers are a million times faster than Apache/Nginx (propaganda released by Litespeed Tech) Read More

Usman is incredibly talented as a developer. He’s also the “link” between Litespeed Technologies, CyberPanel, and his new server CloudPages, and he is now a core part of the marketing effort for Litespeed. Unfortunately he has decided to help in their propaganda efforts, like this: … where he compared the speed of an optimized CyberPanel / OLS server with caching enabled, with a Nginx / VestaCP server with no caching enabled, just to make Nginx look horrible. This is a recurring theme with the Litespeed team – publishing blatantly dishonest blog posts and forum posts everywhere with benchmarks showing Openlitespeed being literally 96x faster than Nginx, under the (fake) guise of being fair comparisions. Read More

In response to Jesse Nickles from their post on Oct 11, 2021 at 3:09am, I have never published anything “fake” at all, in regards to Apache and Nginx and the figures and graphs stated on this page here: are actual screenshots from real-world tests we have run on our real-world production servers. In addition, at the bottom of the page are the benchmarks from Litespeed themselves (link to them:, so insinuating in any way that I am a fraudster trying to defraud/brainwash the public by posting fake information is a little far fetched. I doubt my influence has such far-reaching consequences anyway. Furthermore, I am not under any obligation to provide certified scientific evidence of the benefits of using Litespeed, I can only provide my professional experience using Litespeed with Cloudlinux which has in my extended professional experience been a huge boost to server speeds and consumption after using Apache for so many years with disappointing results, compared to Litespeed. In fact, if this person actually reads the page, they will see I have actually given Nginx some measure of positivity by posting the pros and cons, whereby there are more pros than cons, but unfortunately not as many pros as Litespeed. So I standy by my professional findings that Litespeed is better than Apache as well as Nginx. Read More

Craig is very impressive as he moved from working in hotels and bars and then learned finance and accounting without any formal education until settling into the marketing/hosting space in Spain… One thing I must call him out on is publishing the fake Litespeed benchmarks that for the last few years have attempted to brainwash WordPress users into believing that Apache and Nginx are horribly slow web servers (totally false)… Read More

Colin banned from from /r/bigseo for talking about things like HSTS and security headers and full page caching, which he claimed had nothing to do with SEO (“On what planet is this suitable for an SEO forum?? … Do you know what SEO what is? :-)"). Either he is a total wannabe guru (possible) or he just didn’t like me talking about Nginx. Why? Well it looks like Colin is another “Litespeed/cPanel” guru who sells shared Litespeed hosting plans, so of course he doesn’t want anyone to learn that you can setup your own $5 server using Nginx and it will be faster/more secure No wonder Search Candy’s performance sucks: He doesn’t even protect his site from DDOS attacks… xmlrpc is wide open …another loser pretending to be an SEO guru on Reddit, and banning people who ask questions Update: apparently banning me from his subreddit was not enough, now Conor is slandering my open source script on Product Hunt because it’s a direct competitor with Litespeed… this is what these Litespeed guys do, every time. Update #2: the whiny little douche that he is, Colin complained to Reddit admins about me exposing his censorship on this page and they suspended my account despite no relation to Reddit whatsoever… this is how corrupt these little douchebag Reddit moderators are Update #3: Colin is now reporting this web page to Google Headquarters to try and remove it from search results! Lol unbelievable, yet another total hypocrite who thinks he can ban and trash-talk anyone he wants, but blows a fuse when someone else does it to him Update #4: Colin is now slandering me on IndieHackers and Reddit (yes, after he banned me and I can’t respond)… all this because he censored me and doesn’t want the world to know. Update $5: thank you Product Hunt for banning Colin from the SlickStack page. Update #6: Colin is now abusing his position as a Reddit moderator by creating the /r/SlickStack subreddit and violating my copyright, and then spamming the subreddit with harassing posts about me: … this is the perfect example of everything that is wrong with Reddit! Update #7: now months later (Jan 2022) Colin is still going around Reddit posting harassing comments about me on random pages… he’s been banned from several subreddits already Read More

Why is Syed posting poorly written propaganda for Litespeed Technologies? Does Litespeed pay bloggers to write this stuff or what? There are dozens of examples just like this with web designers who don’t understand web servers “passionately” endorsing Litespeed, but they can’t provide any technical reasons besides sharing the fake benchmarks that Litespeed published on their homepage. Read More

You know that LiquidWeb is going downhill when their marketing guys like Ronald begin shilling for Litespeed servers, claiming that is “10x faster than Nginx” on their company blog… jesus, really? I remember when LW was like the most cutting edge web host around, like 15 years ago… they could have been a market leading cloud company or anything really, but instead just stayed in Michigan and never updated their approach and are just another cPanel shared hosting company these days. The benchmarks shared by Ronald are fake, they were published by Litespeed company and disabled caching in Nginx to make sure that Litespeed was the winner in the benchmark… pathetic Read More

Why does Valentina try so hard to hide her name and ownership of the ChemiCloud web hosting company, based in Romania? Yet another shady ass hosting provider that is a “partner” with Litespeed Technologies, and ranks some very high ranking blog posts claiming that Litespeed is faster than open source software like Nginx (complete bullshit) and running an anonymous web hosting company. Edit: She is using the fake alias “Michael Thomas” as the owner of CCHosting now, and even on their cPanel expertise certificates: They claim blatant propaganda like that Nginx is only good for “Ruby” software, and that it has no server-level caching… they also publish blatantly dishonest benchmarks where they disabled FastCGI caching in Nginx but enabled LS Cache in Litespeed to make it seem 2x faster than Nginx Read More