National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
- Dave Haas (Harasser, Operative, Spammer)
- James Risch (Grifter, Politician, Spammer)
- Christina J Barea (Fraudster, Operative, Spammer)
- Kurt Luidhardt (Investor, Spammer)
Dave was gladly chosen as the latest douchebag to run the massive illegal email spam campaigns on behalf of of the GOP and NRSC and related political campaigns, illegally spamming the shit out of thousands of Americans who have already removed themselves from other email lists, he is one of the main operatives in the GOP / Trump / Darian Rafie / NRSC / Brad Parscale fraud gang who illegally trade data on millions of Americans in violation of the CAN SPAM ACT and dozens of consumer protection and privacy laws Despite repeatedly removing myself from these lists (originally curated by the Trump campaign, and We Build The Wall, among others), these fuckers continue to spam me dozens of emails a week from dozens of fake web domains asking for donations Read More
This asshole James continues to spam the shit out of me and millions of other Americans despite repeated requests to stop emailing me, it just never ends because Donald Trump and his marketing cronies like Darian Rafie and James Risch keep changing the names of their PACs and their website names and email addresses and holding companies to pretend like they are different email lists Of course this is all blatantly illegal and violates the CAN SPAM ACT against reselling email lists not to mention other laws about selling consumer information and tracking, etc. These GOP grifters belong in jail for their non-stop consumer fraud and data privacy violations… not even mentioning other things Read More
Christina and Darian Rafie are “technology advisors” to Progresando which appears be a front company dealing with “import/export” In reality they are professional political operatives and spam the living hell out of millions of Americans on behalf of the Republican Party and connected campaigns: Despite repeated requests to stop spamming me, these fuckers keep selling and re-selling and reusing my contact information in direct violation of the CAM SPAM ACT and as always, the FTC never stops any of these fraudsters Read More