The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Tariq is yet another fraudster and spammer from Noida / Pune who spams and harasses thousands of business (and posts spam on forums) throwing shit to the wall and seeing what sticks. There is zero effort at building a quality business, only spamming and annoying the hell out of Americans and other countries with their junk level web services, fake companies, fake email addresses, etc. Some of his domains were dropped previously, so it’s nearly impossible to decipher between his (many) aliases and possibly “past” owners of the businesses whose domains he seems to take over after they expired. Read More
Ravi leads a team of spammers from India who illegally spam and harass thousands of US companies trying to sell junk web services Update: Some of Ravi’s email templates are the same as this guy: https://hucksters.net/person/tariq-kamal …so they could be working together or simply copying each other’s business (both are common with Indian scammers). Read More