The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
John is a well known scammer who preys upon thousands of Americans trying to scare them into “repairing” their credit profile and then commits credit card fraud against them by engaging in complex auto-pay schemes (see the 700 reviews on his BBB page for Lexington Law). It’s no wonder the US government sued him, hopefully this gets moved to criminal charges soon. John and his ilk belong in jail… yet another scam company based in Utah Read More
Artem illegally buys email lists targeting web and crypto users and illegally spams and harasses thousands of people trying to sell his shitty scam Pointpay project… his emails falsely claim you have “opted-in” on their website to avoid spam filters (fraud) Read More