The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
- Max Ciccotosto (Marketer, Spammer)
- Eric Yin (Scammer, Spammer)
- Xin “Kevin” Wen (Scammer, Spammer)
- Quji “Alan” Guo (Scammer, Spammer)
Max is a former Microsoft employee from Italy who has dabbled in various online companies and worked for others. The stand out is when he worked for Light In the Box (LITB) a massive spam and email fraud company from China, after he moving to the USA on a student visa (a familiar story… there is a reason shady ass companies love hiring student immigrants, who depend on their employment visa). No surprise that Max was also involved in “startup” scam Techstars, too. How long before Max brings his “methods” to his new company, Impact? Read More
Eric helped to create the (scam) product strategy at Light In the Box in China who is now illegally spamming the hell out of Americans trying to sell their fake products… now he is working in the US after getting his Masters degree at Duke University. Just another example of the US student visa system helping assholes more than our own country Read More
Alan and his team from China (and freelancers around the world) spam the fuck out of millions of Americans trying to sell their fake products on Lightinthebox (LITB) and related ecommerce sites… hundreds of consumer complaints around the web about these sites, usually about the products never arriving from China. In other words, a massive email spam and credit card fraud ring. No matter how many times you ask to unsubscribe they will keep spamming you. WARNING to anyone doing business with the people who work for these scammers or have in the past… report their fraud to FTC and local authories. Read More