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Rahul aka Monika Dhatwalia offers SEO services, promising to put your web to the 1st Google page in 6 months. The cost is $200 per month, 100% money back guarantee))) We offered payment after 6 months if we see our website on the 1st page))) Here is Rahul’s reply. He is smart enough to bargain but not enough to change the old whatsapp number)))) Avoid!! Don’t feed scammers!!! “Hi Helen, Hope you are doing well. Sorry for my late response as I was not well. I understood Helen, but it is not possible for me to work for six months without any money. I have a family and I need to take care of them also. I need to work on 3 websites it means I have to spend almost a full day with you so that I can make your website successful. So for this duration, I can’t work for any other clients means I can’t earn any money. It will be completely difficult for me to work without money. However, yes, one thing we can do. You offer me 3 websites and I offer you a rate of $200 per website. It means $600 per month in total. What we can do, you can pay me only 50% every month and the rest 50% you can pay me after six months when your websites are on the first page. It will be good for both of us and I can do the work without any tension. Kindly share your thoughts with me. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank You Monika Dhatwalia Business Development Executive Speed Infosystem LLP WhatsApp No:- +91-9653603644 Cell No:- +91-6284361946 Skype ID:- speed.technology16 Website:- Location:- Chandigarh (India)” Read More
Rahul has been sending out thousands and thousands of fraudulent SEO/marketing emails for many years, many of them identical but using a variety of fake names and aliases. The companies and websites he pretends to represent are fake. He tries to sell his junk-level SEO (spam) services to anyone dumb enough to respond to his emails… yet another Indian team adding zero value to the web, and annoying the hell out of tons of people Report his spam to his web hosts (he often uses US-based web hosts to do his spamming) Read More