The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Hey we are a company named riolabz and we have nothing to do with the spamming. We just provide web development and application development to clients. Kindly don’t do this as we are a reputated company who already has a lot of clients and we don’t do spamming or any such activities. Read More
Alias and his team from India spam the hell out of thousands of US companies, while pretending their “Emailz Campaign” is a company based in the USA too.. (it’s not… and it’s fake). Their real company is called Riolabz and it also pretends to have companies based in other places like Europe, UK, USA etc… again, it’s all bullshit, they are just an Indian agency spamming the world with fake “employees” trying to sell their junk web services like a million other Indian agencies are doing. Read More