Michael Iaccarino
A.k.a. Michael L. Iaccarino, Charles Berry, David Jastrow (etc… many fake aliases)
Data broker, Fraudster, Spammer / Male /
Social Network Account, e.g. Twitter Social Network Account, e.g. Twitter
Michael Iaccarino is a Data broker and Fraudster and Spammer who is a citizen of , and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Brands: B2B Data Partners, Data Axle, DonorBase, Epsilon, Exact Data, Infogroup, Lake Group Media, Mobile Messenger, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Summit Technology, Tenerity
Groups: 100 Worst Hucksters (United States), B2B Scammers (United States), Email Spammers (United States)
Domains: b2bdatapartners.com, btobdatapartners.biz, btobdatapartners.com, data-axle.com, donorbase.com, exactdata.com, infogroup.com, lakeb2b.com, lakeb2b.net, lakeb2b.org, lakeb2bmails.com, lakebtob.com, lakebtob.net, lakebtob.org, pwc.com
Education: Boston College
Google Adsense:
Google Analytics:
Google Analytics (2):
Google Analytics (3):
Google Analytics (4):
Google Analytics (5):
Google Analytics (6):
Google Analytics (7):
Google Analytics (8):
Google Analytics (9):
Google Tag Manager:
Google Tag Manager (2):
Google Tag Manager (3):
Google Tag Manager (4):
Google Tag Manager (5):
Public references:
fake employees
[[lakeb2b.com]{.go}]{.qu role="gridcell”}
{.respo-img} **
1 Byram Brook Place, Armonk, NY 10504 **
dozens of fake white employees
https://dnslytics.com/ip/ Liquid Web
Owner: shane gills (8
Geolocation: Calgary, AB, Canada (27.7 million
domains{.underline} from Canada for $1,000)
Email: shane.gills@gmail.com (8
Nameservers: ns.liquidweb.com, ns1.liquidweb.com
Status: clientDeleteProhibited, clientTransferProhibited
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+———————————————————————–+ | ### [[David Jastrow]{.gD data-hovercard-id="david.jastrow@campaignaud | | ience.com” data-hovercard-owner-id="94”} [david.jastrow@campaignaudie | | nce.com]{.go} [[via](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/1311182?h | | l=en){.acP} 80qbyr7ppjcv6onk.ye3i39etjs1uj08p.6vwj6x.f2-btz0eak.na173 | | .bnc.salesforce.com ]{.go}]{.qu role="gridcell”} {#david-jastrowdavid | | .jastrowcampaignaudience.comvia80qbyr7ppjcv6onk.ye3i39etjs1uj08p.6vwj | | 6x.f2-btz0eak.na173.bnc.salesforce.com .iw} | +———————————————————————–+
[Mon, Dec 20, 9:31 PM (11 days ago)]{#:3hp .g3 title="Dec 20, 2021, 9:31 PM” role="gridcell”}
{.hB .T-I-J3}
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Hi Jesse,
Would you like to review few samples and pricing structure via email ?
Don’t miss year end offers as after Jan 1st, contacts prices will go up
If this sound interesting to you ?
Let me know.
David Jastrow
Hi Jesse,
Acquire your AWS leads now for 2022 conversions.
Would you like to purchase nationwide opt-in details of AWS Customers from USA and Global for email campaigns, appointments, meeting etc.?
List 1 – Complete list of AWS customers (US and Global)
Counts: 100,000 contacts with GDPR info
List 2 – AWS Re:Invent 2021 attendees
Counts: 55,000 contacts
Happy to chat more about it or send over some sample and pricing if you’re interested.
I look forward to your response.
David Jastrow
Demand Generation
Campaign Audience
Disclaimer: This e-mail is confidential. Respond Unsubscribe. If you have received this in error, please disregard
[Message clipped]
+———————————————————————–+ | ### [Charles Berry]{data-hovercard-id="charles.berry@lakeb2b.com” d | | ata-hovercard-owner-id="94”} [<]{aria-hidden="true”}charles.berr | | y@lakeb2b.com[>]{aria-hidden="true”} {#charles-berrycharles.berryl | | akeb2b.com style="font-weight: inherit”} | +———————————————————————–+
Dec 30, 2021, 9:43 PM (5 hours ago)
to [me]{data-hovercard-id="jesse@littlebizzy.co”}, [david.jastrow@campaignaudience.com]
Hi Jesse,
Thank you for your response. Your email has been forwarded to me by David.
Quick introduction about us: Established in 1962, Lake B2B is headquartered in Armonk, NY, with staff throughout the USA, India, Singapore, and Dubai. Lake B2B is a member of the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) since 1960. We are also proud members of the DMA List & Database Council, DMA Non-Profit Federation, DMA Business-to-Business Council, DMA Catalog Council, Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW), Magazine Publishers Association (MPA), Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA), the Direct Marketing Club of New York (DMCNY), and the Hudson Valley Direct Marketing Association (HVDMA).
You can visit our website at www.lakeb2b.com
With respect to your target- AWS customers, we have below count:
Install Base type US counts Global counts AWS customers list 25,178 companies and 180,442 contacts 21,270 companies and 72,626 contacts
Job titles – Top decision makers
List usage terms – Unlimited usage after purchase
**List updates frequency: **Quarterly once
**Last Verification Date: **November 5^th^, 2021
**List Suitable for: **Email marketing, Telemarketing
List Delivery Guarantee: 90%+ for Direct mails, 85%+ for emails and 90% for contact accuracy. Any bounces over this limit will be replaced by new contacts within 5 business days.
GDPR/Opt-in emails: Yes, all contacts are GDPR compliant. We have already sent out permission letter to each contact and once they agreed to receive 3^rd^ party email for any marketing or promotional offer, then we added their contact in the opt-in list.
PACKAGES Elite package Premium package Premium plus package ** ** AWS customers 46,448 companies & 253,068 contacts
Geo – USA & Global AWS customers 46,448 companies & 253,068 contacts
Geo – USA & Global AWS customers 46,448 companies & 253,068 contacts
Geo – USA & Global ** ** ** **
** **
Data fields to be delivered
Company name, contact name, job title, email, postal address, phone number & install base name Company Name, Company URL, Title/Greeting (Prefix), Contact Full Name, Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, Job Title, Mailing Address, Company Phone, Company FAX, Contact Direct Dial (If available) , Employees, Revenue (In M$), SIC4_CODE, SIC4_DESCRIPTION, Email Address, LinkedIn Id, IT Budget (Estimate In M$) , Technology Purchase Date, Technology Renewal Date, Technology Install.
Data fields: Same as Premium package
- Cell phone numbers (wherever available)
** ** ** **
** **
List refresh/updates
- Quarterly updates for next 12 months
- All given contacts will be refreshed every qtr for data hygiene
- Quarterly updates for next 12 months
- All given contacts will be refreshed every qtr for data hygiene
+ (plus)
- Every quarter a brand-new list will be delivered with additional net new contacts
- Lake B2B will also grow your database size by 5% to 10% in 1 year
** ** Package cost
** ** List volume: 46,448 companies
List cost: $13,934
(x $0.30 per company)
** ** List volume: 46,448 companies
List cost: $18,579
(x $0.40 per company) List volume: 46,448 companies
List cost: $23,224
(x $0.50 per company)
Email Campaigns Package: Email deployments on your behalf for your brand promotion and Lead generation
Along with list purchase, we can also manage email campaigns on your behalf with live tracking of open rates and click throughs
Email campaigns package includes
- 3 months engagement (recommended) to generate traction
- Overall, 12 campaigns (1 campaign per week)
- Email design, test email and email deployment with live tracking on opens and clicks
- Cost per campaign: $375
Looking forward to hearing from you.
+———————————–+———————————–+ | | Charles Berry | | | Vice President – Business | | | Development | | | | | | Lake B2B | | | | | | | | | | | | Phone : 212-931-5151 | | | | | | Email : <charles.berry@lakeb2 | | | b.com> | | | | | | ** ** | | | | | | 1 Byram Brook Place | | | | | | Armonk, New York 10504 | | | | | | ** ** | | | | | | [www.lakeb2b.com](http://www.la | | | keb2b.com/) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +———————————–+———————————–+
One response to “Michael Iaccarino”
Jesse Nickles says:
Michael is fast becoming one of the biggest criminals in the illegal data-trading black market in the US, hiring out to offshore Indians to illegally spam the fuck out of millions of Americans trying to buy and sell private consumer data that all feeds back (via anonymous websites and fake companies / email aliases) into the growing Data Axle network of companies
This fucker belongs in jail but he’s exactly the type of asshole that US politicians love to keep “handy” when it comes time for political campaigns and spying on American citizens
He pretends to comply with privacy laws like the CCPA but it’s all bullshit, and using Indians to help launder his crimes
Reply michael-iaccarino0748.html?replytocom=1156#respond