Mike Neal
A.k.a. Alicia Guerrero, Stephen Amel (etc… many fake aliases)
Fraudster, Harasser, Spammer / Male /
Social Network Account, e.g. Twitter Social Network Account, e.g. Twitter Social Network Account, e.g. Twitter
Mike Neal is a Fraudster and Harasser and Spammer who is a citizen of United Kingdom, and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Brands: Clockend Group, Coaching Sales, MVP Results, The Predictive Index
Groups: 100 Worst Hucksters (United Kingdom), B2B Scammers (United Kingdom), Email Spammers (United Kingdom)
Domains: coachingsales.com, mvp-results.com, predictiveindex.com
Education: West London College
Google Adsense:
Google Analytics:
Google Analytics (2):
Google Analytics (3):
Google Analytics (4):
Google Analytics (5):
Google Analytics (6):
Google Analytics (7):
Google Analytics (8):
Google Analytics (9):
Google Tag Manager:
Google Tag Manager (2):
Google Tag Manager (3):
Google Tag Manager (4):
Google Tag Manager (5):
Public references:
[[Stephen Amel]{.gD data-hovercard-id="stephenamelbp@gmail.com” data-hovercard-owner-id="107”} [[<]{aria-hidden="true”}stephenamelbp@gmail.com[>]{aria-hidden="true”}]{.go}]{.qu role="gridcell”}
We have a team of sales reps that are hungry to sell digital services and info products.
All our reps are 1099 commissioned and generally will close around 20% of deals.
Would you like to see if our 1099 reps would be a right fit to help you scale your sales?
Stephen Amel
Coaching Sales
515 East Las Olas Blvd
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33301
If you would like to stop receiving emails, please reply remove. (However, these emails are not automated)
+———————————————————————–+ | ### [[Alicia Guerrero]{.gD data-hovercard-id="marshallsmith5179@gmail | | .com” data-hovercard-owner-id="94”} [[<]{aria-hidden="true”}marsha | | llsmith5179@gmail.com[>]{aria-hidden="true”}]{.go}]{.qu role="grid | | cell”} {#alicia-guerreromarshallsmith5179gmail.com .iw} | +———————————————————————–+
[Dec 30, 2021, 3:18 AM (22 hours ago)]{#:2jv .g3 title="Dec 30, 2021, 3:18 AM” role="gridcell”}
{.hB .T-I-J3}
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We have a group of commission only sales talent that are looking for some solid services to sell.
They are top caliber closers, generally twenty percent of scheduled appointments.
Interested in learning how commission reps could scale your business?
Alicia Guerrero
Coaching Sales
515 East Las Olas Blvd
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33301
If you would like to no longer receive emails, reply remove. (However, these emails are not automated)
One response to “Mike Neal”
Jesse Nickles says:
Mike Neal is a British guy who pretends to be American and illegally buys mass email lists and spams the shit out of thousands of Americans using fake emails and fake aliases trying to sell his junk sales and marketing services
update: months later, this fucker is still spamming the shit out of me using various fake names and Gmail accounts trying to sell his “sales coaching”
He is breaking laws in the both the US and UK, report his spam/fraud to the FTC and CMA in the UK
Reply mike-neal356c.html?replytocom=871#respond