Ranjini Poddar
A.k.a. Brenda Smith (etc… many fake aliases)
Fraudster, Spammer / Female /
Social Network Account, e.g. Twitter
Ranjini Poddar is a Fraudster and Spammer who is a citizen of India and United States, and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Brands: Artech, Artech Information Systems
Groups: B2B Scammers (United States), B2C Scammers (United States), Email Spammers (United States)
Domains: artech.com, artechinfo.com
Education: Yale Law School
Google Adsense:
Google Analytics:
Google Analytics (2):
Google Analytics (3):
Google Analytics (4):
Google Analytics (5):
Google Analytics (6):
Google Analytics (7):
Google Analytics (8):
Google Analytics (9):
Google Tag Manager:
Google Tag Manager (2):
Google Tag Manager (3):
Google Tag Manager (4):
Google Tag Manager (5):
Public references:
+———————————————————————–+ | ### [[Brenda Smith]{.gD data-hovercard-id="recruiting@artech.com” dat | | a-hovercard-owner-id="97”} [[<]{aria-hidden="true”}recruiting@arte | | ch.com[>]{aria-hidden="true”}]{.go} ]{.qu role="gridcell”}[Unsubsc | | ribe]{.Ca role="link”} {#brenda-smithrecruitingartech.comunsubscribe | | .iw} | +———————————————————————–+
[4:43 AM (9 hours ago)]{#:278 .g3 title="Dec 8, 2021, 4:43 AM” role="gridcell”}
{.hB .T-I-J3}
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| [to [me]{.g2 data-hovercard-id="jesse@littlebizzy.co”}]{.hb} |
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Hi Jesse,
This is Brenda Smith Associate Director of Recruiting Operations at Artech. As the market is opening back up, we recognize that many candidates are looking for new opportunities to advance their skills. We have a vast amount of opportunities including remote work.
Are you interested in viewing Artech’s current opportunities?
.CToWUd height="60”}
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One response to “Ranjini Poddar”
Jesse Nickles says:
Ranjini is yet another Indian American “CEO” who uses classic Indian fraud methods, spamming the shit out of thousands of Americans using fake aliases and fake email addresses trying to grow her HR/recruiting database with fake job postings and offers
To make money with recruiting it’s all about numbers, so scammers like Ranjini constantly spam the fuck out Americans pretending they are interested in you for a certain job (that most likely doesn’t exist)
This is illegal in many ways but the US government rarely cracks down on fraudsters like Ranjini
She also blatantly violates the CAN SPAM ACT for many years already
Like many Indians who attend university in the US she also pretends to be American and hides the fact she is an Indian citizen
Reply ranjini-poddar6a2f.html?replytocom=1095#respond